My writing here, as well as on by other bogs/journals, has been curtailed the pat several months because, frankly, typing is not easy for me. I never learned to type properly, using only 4 of the available digits, have to look at the keys, and wear bifocals. Plus, the keyboard with the new computer has the keys inconveniently placed. Still getting the hang of voice recognition.
When we left off, Pesach was approaching. The social hall at the synagogue was bursting with attendees for the community seder. Several of the people there live quite a distance away (60+ miles) so don't get to regular services.
The food was amazing. I admit to some trepidatiion abut the gefilte fish, not being much of a seafood person, but I actually had seconds. I was intrigued by the horseradish of a different color. The person who prepared the main courses converted 4 years ago after catering a dinner at the synagogue and finding she liked being around these folks.
Even with close to 70 people in the hall (did I mention it's a small building) everyone got a chance to read a passage from the Haggadah.
Attending a seder is something I've wanted to do for years, and I'm glad to have finally taken the opportunity.
Since then, I haven't had a chance to get to any services. They've only had maybe 3 or 4 this summer, one during a tornado. (The congregatin for that one consisted of the leader, 6 members of one family, and 2 Lutherans who just stopped in out of curiosity. )
I've been able to get to some of the basic Hebrew reading classes. They happen sporadically depending on who's free that evening. We take a section of the Bible, and take turns reading a verse in Hebrew, then in English, then we have cake.
This fall we get a new student rabbi, but this time it will be the old one - the one who was there when I first took that class 2 years ago. Aparently she didn't get enough of North Dakota winters the first time, and needs a reason to get out of Cincinnatti for a few days each month. Looking forward to visiting with her again.
Yes, this post has been pretty superficial. I do have deeper thoughts, but not what I can organize into print at the moment. That will have to wait for a later post.
Joy increases?
2 days ago